Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another day

Ben has become the biggest titty baby the last few days. He wants to be held non-stop and I don't mind it so much except that its hard to listen to him cry when I am doing important things like using the potty.

Speaking of the potty one of my cats has been using Steve's bathmat as their personal latrine and so we just got rid of it and today they peed directly on the tile. I will strangle the litter bugger if I catch them....(not really, don't call the ASPCA on me.)

I am enjoying being a SAHM mom but am starting to think I need a hobby or something, I'm feeling restless. But maybe it's because summer is over and I missed it. Because of the pregnancy and stuff I didn't do anything outdoorsy and don't even have a tan for the first time in like forever so I feel blah. Even though I love fall....

Not much else to report, just enjoying the return of the new TV season.


Anonymous said...

My little girl has been a fuss muffin too but I think that she is getting a cold :( I just noticed that her little nose is a little stuffy.

Leslee said...

I love the SAHM gig. But like you I don't like to listen to Daniel cry. I force myself to let him do it a little bit so that I'll get use to it when he's old enough to cry it out. Still hard.

You might have to really use bleach or something to clean up the spot they're going to the bathroom. They're creatures of habit and if they can smell where they've gone before they'll think that's where they can go. Keep popping them in the kitty litter after you find them in there. Good lucky!